Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Ants Go Marching One by One...

So beginning on Friday, Emme started to run a fever- first it was just a low grade, 99.5 or so, and with the bottom molars she was working on- and the shots she got on Tuesday, this came as no surprise.  Well the weekend went on and the fever continued.  By Sunday we were up to 103 and one sad little girl.  I'll put it this way- she sat in my lap, in a rocking chair, STILL for about 30 minutes on a couple of different occasions! This busy bee was definitely not herself.  But having learned that in the past when I have called the Dr.'s office, the nurse always says, "Well we really don't get worried till a temp of 104." (Crazy, I know, but whatever!) I held out thinking she would be better soon (and continued a tylenol drip). :)

So Monday morning rolls around and Emme is still out of sorts, fever is lower, but I can't decide it is worth the trip to see Dr. G (love the man- but I don't like it when he tells me, "It's a cold...")  So I go ahead and make an appointment for Tuesday morning at 9... just in case. 

Meanwhile... Ben and I have been noticing a line of ants that have been trampsing around the kitchen here and there for a couple of weeks. A can of Raid has basically knocked them out until last night.  We noticed more of a stream, as the ants appeared to be "getting their army on."   Ben said he would call the exterminator and schedule soon.  No worries. 

So as I sat rocking Emme last night before bedtime, I was praying, "Lord, I really don't know if Emme needs this doctor's appointment. Please make it clear to me in the morning whether we should go or not."  Let me just say that if I ever doubted that God hears the tiniest of requests, it was confirmed bright and early this morning!  As I walked into the kitchen to get Emme breakfast, a swarming pile of ants begins marching across the floor and into the living room.  Seeing as how I could not sit my child on the floor without her being attacked by the little guys- we made a "bee"line for the Dr.'s office this morning, while Adams Exterminating got after the ants :)

By the way... Emme did have an ear infection.  With the antibiotic she should be back to herself in no time.  Thank you, Lord for caring about even the smallest of things.


Dana Ball said...

So thankful that you ask Him for help in all the small things and grateful for the glory He is given!