Monday, October 3, 2011

Quick Update

Here's some of what Emme is up to these days:

  • She is taking a Tiny Tutus class at the rec center on Saturday mornings.  She says she loves it, and will do the moves for us at home... but while we are there she is firmly planted in either mommy or daddy's lap ;)
  • She loves, loves to read.  We have started revisiting story time at the Library again (this time around she is much more interested, haha). Some of her favorite books are the "words" books she got for her birthday.  She just loves to point at each picture and name it.  I get a kick out of how many she knows- there is nothing cuter than hearing a two year old say "watermelon" "popsicle" "shovel" "kite" "picnic"
  • She is super excited about her little brother.  She rubs my belly, kisses it, feeds it, "puts it to sleep". tickles it, shares with it... I could go on... Needless to say I am fairly certain she will be happy to play the mommy role to JB when he arrives.  I was out of town this weekend and when I got back her first words to me were, "I miss JB." Haha- mom hold second place, clearly.
  • She still loves blocks, puzzles, and anything with pieces that can be put back together.  She is extremely methodical in her thinking. Everything as a place and there is a procedure for most everything.  A needs to happen before B and C. Mess with that at your own risk :)
  • She just started counting all the way to 10 by herself. And she will count anything!  Also, she will mostly just count to 10 anway, even if there are only 3 objects.
  • She can sing pretty much the entire alphabet song, Jesus Loves Me, and Open Shut Them.  We also just hear her busting out a random pitch a lot of times- she will tell you she is singing if you ask what she is doing.
  • There are times when Emme is practically talking in complete sentences now- this still astounds me!
  • She is growing very attached to Veggie Tales now.  Whereas in the past she would never pay mind to the TV at all, she is starting to request one of the Veggie shows at least once a day now (a skill I hope will be helpful when brother gets here, woohoo!)
  • She is beginning to memorize a few verses.  At night we have been learning John 3:16, Ephesians 6:1, and Luke 6:31. She likes to do the motions with them :)
  • The park and mall/chick-fil-a play place are a lot of fun for her.  She requests them practically every day ;)
  • She likes to pick out her outfits and begins almost every day by saying, "I need a bow!" (even at 7 am).
  • She is forever mommy's helper- cleaning, laundry, dishes, organizing... no task is too big for her! She wants to be a part of it all.  One of her favorite things to do is help me cook in the kitchen. 
  • Meltdowns happen.... often for no apparent reason :)  One positive thing though, is that I can see the Lord working in her heart even during those times.  A couple of weeks ago after a random fit, followed by discipline she said, "Jesus help Emme's heart."  Thank you, Lord that you redeem us. 
  • She is more and more fun, and more and more of a blessing each day!!!