Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Time Management 101

This past week I have learned quite a lesson in time management.... in other words, I overbooked myself. Being a new mommy I have already gone through a season of quiet- I mean the kind of quiet where you start to go a little bit crazy-- and this week I experienced the other side of that coin.

By my own admission I will say that I didn't coordinate my calendar well, leaving me feeling spent- and wondering how being a "stay at home" mom all of a sudden became so hectic.

I have been going through the Study A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George at MOM's group, and it has really challenged me to think about listening to what God would have me do with "my" time, rather than just nonchalantly planning out the week and saying "YES" to everything.

A few points I've been pondering as I lean on God's grace and hopefully learn from this week!

  • Am I watching over my home (like the Proverbs 31 woman) or am I glancing?
  • Am I living as though I will be held accountable for the use of my time?
  • Am I taking the time to sow what I wish to reap?
  • Am I really being quiet before the Lord and listening for His voice to guide my steps?

I was inspired by this poem Ms. George quoted in her book:

Some have had kings in their lineage, Some to whome honor was paid. Not blest of my ancestors- but, I have a mother who prays.

I have a mother who prays for me, and pleads with the Lord every day for me. O what a difference it makes for me- I have a mother who prays.

Some have worldly success, and trust in riches they've made- This is my surest asset. I have a mother who prays.

My mother's prayer cannot save me, only mine can avail; But mother introduced me to Someone- Someone who never could fail.

Oh Yes... I have a mother who prays for me, and pleads with the Lord every day for me. O what a difference it makes for me- I have a mother who prays.