Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Little Turkey's Birth Story ;)

Happy Thanksgiving! I have so very much to be thankful for this season. I just love this time of year when the air finally starts to get a bit chillier and life is full of family, food, and festivities!  I have extra blessings for 2011.  My sweet, sweet John Bailey arrived on November 14th.

I guess it all started with Elf.  That is sort of a long standing labor tradition with my kidlets I suppose. I watched it in the hospital with Emme before my pitocin really kicked in and it helped me laugh and try to relax ;) I had been feeling really good for my entire pregnancy with JB, seriously he was so easy and so kind to my body.  Even at week 39 I was feeling great, going to Jazzercise every day, and wondering if I needed to somehow make myself more uncomfortable in order for him to make his way on out. 

Then at 39 weeks 5 days, it hit.  I was suddenly got really ready to have this baby!! I couldn't sleep, couldn't get comfy.  I ran out of things "to do."  I had honestly waited till the last minute on a lot of things because I had a sneaking suspicion from the very beginning that he would not be early.  I had an appointment with Betty, one of the midwives on Friday and my blood pressure was slightly elevated.  She suggested I try to take it easy over the weekend and get some rest.  At that point I was 3 cm. dilated and 70 % effaced. I indulged in spicy mexican food and spent a ton of time on the birthing ball trying to coax my little boy into a favorable position for labor to come on.

So Sunday comes, and I am officially 40 weeks. Wow. I didn't feel like my body could stretch any further.  I didn't have the heart or energy to make it to church.  I was trying to keep myself relaxed and not get into a mental game of "when will he arrive???"  My sweet best friends finally convinced me to make it out of the house for a last "bring on labor" pedicure.  They were so kind- didn't ask me any questions about when he would be here, just supported me, made me feel loved, and made my toes look pretty and pink :)  When I got home I had quite a few strong braxton-hicks contractions, but I had half expected that to happen after the awesome hot stone massage I had just gotten on my pressure points. 

That night, as I was rolling away on the birthing ball- I happened to come across the movie Elf on USA.  It was a marathon that was playing all night.  I "ran" (waddled?) into the next room to tell Ben that it had to be a sign.  However... bright and early the next morning I awoke and... no baby, no real contractions.  I was officially "over due" 40 weeks 1 day, I know, but man was I ready for him to be here.

I made it up to Inanna for my check-up, Jean (my midwife) took one look at me and she said, "Oh honey, you are ready to have this baby, aren't you?"  She offered to check me and see what was going on.  Again my blood pressure was up a bit for the 2nd time, and when she looked I was now 4 cm (she said she could stretch me to a 5) and 80% effaced.  In her words, "Your cervix is as soft as butter."  I was so relieved when she said, "I think you will have this little boy today or tomorrow!" Hallelujah, it was so awesome to hear that I wasn't going crazy to think he was ready and so was I! Jean recommended I go home and go on a regiment of pumping for 30 minutes, followed by walking for an hour.  After completing the rotation twice, she said I should come back at 1:00 for a follow-up.

I went home and started the process, again trying to keep my mind and body relaxed and not over-think the situation.  I had told Ben to just stay at work and come home at noon to be with me, but as soon as I started pumping, I immediately got emotional, started crying, and begged him to come home as soon as possible (he did). :)

The first lap of walking around the neighborhood, my mom and Emme joined me.  I was kind of like a woman on a mission.  I'm sure I looked like a huge crazy lady to everyone that happened to see me.  Ben made it home for the second session and we talked about how we wouldn't get our hopes up and that most likely we would be returning home for at least a few more hours- just trying to remember that birth is a process, and sometimes a long one.

I definitely began to feel regular contractions, but having only experienced chemically induced contractions, it was such a different sensation that I didn't know what to think really.  We threw our stuff in the labor bag, brought the poster, and a few snacks, and kissed Emme goodbye while mom put her down for a nap. (Have to put in a plug for my mom here.  Wow,  I don't know what I would have done without her.  During the morning she had watched Emme, taken her to the store, picked up smoothies, packed lunches and snacks for us... again all while in charge of a 2 year old!!)

When we got to Inanna it was about 1:30 or so.  Jean checked me and... I was a 6 and in active labor!  She told us to unload our stuff and fill out paperwork- we were officially staying to have a baby. Yeah! I couldn't believe it.  It was really here.  I called Elisabeth, as she was coming to act as my doula (and my best friend!) and we also let mom know it looked like baby day!  We started by pumping again and the contractions picked up.  When Elisabeth arrived, we headed across the street to the park to start walking at TWU. 

Walking ended up being my biggest strategy for pain management.  Ben and Elisabeth did such an awesome job of distracting me and telling me stories while I walked (in my head it was really fast, like a power walk... but I was told it was more like a slow moving hover round, haha).  We came back to be monitored and then did another round.  Then things started to move really quickly.  Around 4:30 I asked to be checked because I wasn't sure if I could walk anymore around the park.  I was between 7 and 8 cm.  I was so happy at the progress, but things were really getting intense!

At that point, I asked them to start filling the tub. I was definitely interested in a water birth, but wasn't sure it would work out- or would be effective for managing the pain.  I paced around the room and swayed on Ben while Elisabeth pushed on my back.  As soon as I could get in the tub, I did and boy did things pick up from there.  I could tell I was in transition, and honestly my memories from that point are pretty blurry because I was wanting so much to get into the next phase!!  I had asked Elisabeth to call my mom to come up with Emme when I started to push because I wanted them to be there shortly after JB arrived. 

Well, all of a sudden, I felt a huge jolt in my body, like an elevator dropping inside of me.  And all heck broke loose!! I needed to push or at least try to relieve the insane pressure I was feeling.  Between 5:20 and 5:30 it was clear to me that it was the now or never point.  I could feel his head coming down when I would bear down.  According to Elisabeth who was texting updates to my mom at the time, I started to really push at 5:32 and at 5:35 he was born!! Absolute euphoria is all I can say.  It was a rush of emotion like no other.  I don't think I'll ever be the same.  We were able to come home at 8:30 that night.  At home, holding my new baby, enjoying my family. I'm thankful.  Happy birthday sweet John Bailey, Mommy loves you.

John Bailey Oehlschlaeger, November 14, 2011 5:35 p.m.  8lb. 8 oz.  18 1/2 inches long


Unknown said...

That was an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing. The look on your face in the first picture is priceless. It's a feeling we never forget!

Suanna said...

Thanks for sharing your story. What a sweet way to remember JB's birth.