The last child grows up far too quickly! Henry is in a super fun stage, and I wish in so many ways that I could freeze time and hold onto him as a baby a little while longer. Sigh!
At 6 months:
- smiles a ton & laughs easily
- eats like a boss. pretty much anything we've offered him he will eat (all kind of veggies, fruits, cereal, and moon pop)
- don't have his 6 month stats yet.... but i'm going with "huge" (we will find out when we go at 7 months) he wears mostly 6-12 month, 9 month, and even a few 12 month outfits.
- loves music, he bounces in the jumperoo and loves when "Head and Shoulders, Knees & Toes" comes on
- he is great at sitting up and can get himself from seated to on his belly and back up again. it won't be long before he is also able to pull up on his own, he likes to stand already
- he has 6 (working on 7) teeth
- he isn't crawling on all 4's yet, but mysteriously moves from one place to another- i would call it an inchworm crawl
- master of the baby planking move
- generally a happy baby... and if he's not... just pick him up and he will be :)
- sleeping thru the night most nights
- loves being with Emme and JB & having some snuggle time
- also possesses a healthy fear of his big brother lol
- loves bath time. adores splashing and playing in the water.
- cute as can be!
Monday, September 1, 2014
6 months old
Posted by The O's at 6:46 PM 0 comments
5 months in ;)
It feels as if we are finally settling into our new normal. While I feel like I "understand" babies more with each child we have (whatever that even means!) I think it has taken me longer this time to bring my head above the water so to speak. If I'm honest, I often still struggle to keep up with daily things like housework or laundry, and my days often feel consumed by the nitty gritty of life: diapers, meals, feedings, playing, discipline. Not to say this is bad- but its still easy for me to feel overwhelmed.
Many people have asked how life is with three kids. My usual reply is that my kids are wonderful... I am the one that has to adjust :) I will readily admit that change always takes time for me. So I think I'm just now sort of getting there. I had to readjust to the tiredness, "night life", and not necessarily accomplishing my goals for the day. I'm starting to settle into our new schedule and am more focused on enjoying each milestone for Henry and also for Emme and JB. Ready to thrive instead of just survive on a personal level as their mama. This only comes when daily I choose to seek God's plan for my life, not my own. To see interruptions and piles and messes as reminders of these little people I'm blessed to love, embracing the chaos (can it be organized chaos??) I'm getting there. I'm getting there.
Now on to Mr. Henry!
We had his four month check up a lot closer to five months....
He is 16.8 lbs and 23 inches long. Definitely going to outgrow his bro. He's a happy little guy, and is great about hanging with us wherever we may go- currently: Jazzercise, the grocery store, church, sometimes the pool or park. I'm thankful for such a flexible baby! I'm enjoying him so much.
Posted by The O's at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The first 4 months
I think it goes without saying that life flies by. In four months Henry has grown and changed so much. From those first few days of sleeping & eating non-stop, to trying out his first smiles on us, and cooing, giggling, and even starting to roll over. It's all happened crazy fast. Here are a few pictures that capture our life with our new baby boy from February to June.
Posted by The O's at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Henry Tod
Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.
On June 2, 2013, I found out I was expecting our third baby. It was a fun surprise to find out on Ben's birthday, and a wonderful way to celebrate. Since we had both agreed and prayed about this baby completing our family, we did everything possible to make it extra special along the way. I wanted to enjoy every milestone since I knew it would be my last pregnancy. One thing that Ben had requested was that we wait until the baby was born to find out the gender. This was something he had always wanted to do. Although this completely goes against my type A nature, I agreed that it would be fun to find out at the birth (ok really since I had a boy and a girl already, I was able to justify it to myself and then ended up enjoying it too, haha). It was an experience I wouldn't trade.... that said.... I had a gut feeling it was a boy the whole time, call it mother's intuition :)
The first trimester was interesting this time around. I definitely had morning sickness (really more evening sickness) which was something I had never had with other pregnancies. I never actually got sick, but was nauseated for about 11 weeks solid. When the 13 week mark hit we were so thrilled to go and hear the heart beat. We decided to stay with Inanna, and the midwives there truly became a family for me once again. Here are a few pics from when we revealed we were expecting to the online world.
Posted by The O's at 2:48 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 4, 2013
JB lately
Needless to say, one day he arrived at 16 months and the clouds rolled back and he was his happy self again! Ben was teasing the other day saying how much easier things had gotten, and its true. So I started thinking it might be time to sit down and document some of the fun things that he is doing.
- Walking! Hallelujah! Late crawling is totally overrated! Just kidding, but as they say kids just learn to do things when they want to do things- you can't rush them, it just happens. It only took me 2 kids to figure this out ;)
- Has all of his teeth (maybe 1 more to go?? It's hard to pry my way in there)
- Parroting pretty much anything we say or ask him to try saying
- Learning & initiating lots of words/phrases: Please, Thank you, Yes, Nooooo!, duck, duck, goose, Bible, tries to count "uuuuhhh, oooooo, eeeeee", I love you, umbrella, slide, walk, water, black, blue, Sissy, Jesus, book, brush, hat, sock, shoes, bath, bubbles, ball, sheeewy (stinky), diaper, bounce, peek-a-boo, baby, night-night, (I'm sure there are more but that's all I can remember for now)
- Points to head, eyes, ears, nose, "smelly belly", teeth, mouth, tongue, toes, hair
- Trying more animal noises/recognizing animals
- He can go get me a diaper when I ask him
- Getting better about stopping when I ask him to come to me, instead of a full-on run away
- Loves to clean and do laundry (just trying to train him for his future wife, right?)
- He loves to do something funny and then cover his mouth and laugh at himself
- Attempts hide and go seek, which usually means covering himself up with a blanket and then saying "uuunnn, ooooo, eeeee.... yaaaaaay!"
- Likes to get some stage time. He loves singing into Emme's microphone, then throwing it on the floor and applauding himself and smiling huge. He might even dance a bit, or be know to request a Jazzercise DVD- ya I know, he's gonna love me for that....
- Throwing things ranks pretty high on his list
- Two words: people person. We were are the shoe store getting sandals for Emme and he seriously crawled up into this random Grandpa's lap. Luckily the man was nice and not scary and sat there and held him until his wife was done shopping. When he told JB he needed to go now, JB started crying. He needs his social calendar booked. I can already tell he is sort of a "life of the party" type guy. People make him happy, and he has never met a stranger.
- Loves to sit in my lap and read book after book, which is always funny to me because he is so busy that the snuggly part of him still surprises me- but I love it.
- Tackles anyone that is laying on the floor, and this is usually also how he gets his sister up from her room time. Luckily she's cool with it.
Posted by The O's at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Random, Yet Typical Scenes from February
{random ecard that describes how i felt often during this month as Ben had a lot going on, sidenote: i don't function well without my hubby! love you, honey!} |
{There was also this show called Downton Abbey}![]() |
Posted by The O's at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
First Haircuts
The kids both had their first haircuts on Sunday. Emme loved every second and it was clear that she will forever enjoy being pampered (as every girl should!) If this is any indication of the reaction she will have from a pedicure... than she and mama have some relaxing, and fun girls' days planned for the future :) I love Emme's style, and taking just 2 or 3 inches off of the bottom was great for her. It was starting to get really tangled and "crunchy" for lack of a better word, and there were far too many tears over hair brushing so we are all pleased with the new do. I loved watching her smile and pose in the mirrors like a little lady.
JB was not so excited. He cried and carried on and then finally settled down about half way thru the cut. I tipped the lady that did their cuts well, I will put it that way :) I think it looks good on him though! I wasn't too sure about cutting his baby locks, but Ben was very insistent that it was time. It's true what they say... that you literally feel like you are snipping away at their very babyhood when you cut a little boy's hair for the first time. I was fighting back some tears of my own for sure. He looks like a little man now- never fear though, he isn't walking yet- so I have plenty of baby snuggles and cuddles to keep me happy. Good times :)
Posted by The O's at 2:35 PM 0 comments