Where do I begin? We praised God as we walked into the sonographer's office yesterday and greeted the new year by saying hello to our 8 week old baby! It was the sweetest sound to hear the pounding of our child's heart, and I was reminded of the gracious love of my Heavenly Father.
I feel beyond blessed to have this gift in my life. It is an amazing thing to truly feel God has reached down and seen me in my depths. It is as though He has made His heart evident to me.
It sounds so cliche, but while I do not know what the future holds, I do know Who holds the future. He comforts me, and gently reminds me of His love. I'm not trusting in science, or doctors, or my own ability (ha!) to keep this baby alive... with the power of my Savior I am hoping in Him. He is the one who numbers the days of our children, and allows their protection. With an open hand, I pray God's blessing for our little one, whom we hope to hold in early August.
Thank you for your continued prayers as we take this new walk of faith and gratitude.
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