Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Look Who's Talkin'

We hear a lot lately coming from our almost 2 year old.... some common phrases... there are so many now it is really hard to keep up with!

I shoppin'
I runnin'
I jumpin'
I dancin'
Shcott (as in Uncle Scott)
Peekee & Bullet (puppy dogs she loves)
I go peepee/poopoo
Emme silly
E-M-M-E (She will spell her name out)
1-2-3-4- 6- 9- 10! (Her way of counting to 10, especially fingers and toes)
I play
Jazz-cise :) (this makes me happy)
Shewwwweee (when there is a stinky diaper)
Scuuuze me (after burping)
I do it
Good Job, Mama! (personal favorite)
Emme cozy (after being in her big girl bed)