Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Top 10 reason why we love Grammy

10.  She cooks us delicious meals.
9.    She cleans up after us (and even DEEP cleans!!!) and insists I sit in the recliner while she handles it.
8.    She chauffers us around town and loads/unloads toddlers, bags, groceries, etc.
7.    She loves Target and Starbucks and is willing to take an outing there any time :)
6.    She enjoys shopping with and for the girls.
5.    She has been here for 3 weeks and is staying till Christmas!!!
4.    She changes diapers, gives baths, does laundry, allows a toddler to wake her at 7:30 am...
3.    She happily babysits and provides free date nights- even an overnight stay!
2.    She loves Emme and is willing to do just about anything for her.
1.    She gives sacrificially over and over again, and is such an amazing reflection of Christ's love.



Suanna said...

Grammys are great!