Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Emme's Interview

At 2 1/2 years old I figured it was time to let Emme speak for herself! I enjoyed asking her these simple questions.  It was hilarious (and yet totally in her nature) that she had no trouble answering without any hesitation. She's always been a kiddo that likes what she likes.

What is your favorite color?
"Pink. What is your favorite color?" to which I responded, "Purple!" and was still amazed that she threw the ball back in my court... fyi she asked each question right back at me and then when I answered she would respond, "Oh, Ok!" :)
What is your favorite song?
"Jesus loves me, rock." (Rockabye Baby)
What is your favorite food?
"Messican food. Cheese and wockamole."
What is your favorite book?
"Tea wif Wooby." (Tea For Ruby)
Where do you like to go?
Who are your friends?
"Yaya and Bubba." (Rylan and Ransom aka Bubba) I asked, "Anyone else?" She replied, "Nope!" Lol
What are you learning?
"Jesus." I promise I didn't rig that- but I will say it is most likely due to the number of conversations/heart to hearts she and I have had lately about Jesus helping us to obey, asking Jesus to help our hearts, and praying to Jesus. If there is one thing I've learned lately it's that I am in more need of JESUS every day!! And I can't wait till Emme knows Him as her Savior too!

 First I took a pic of Emme

 Then she took this pic of me (not too shabby I might add!)


 Emme's pink nail obsession

Emme told me she could draw circles and I asked her to show me. Then she actually let me take a picture of her work... double score for mama.