Can you tell it has been an emotional couple of weeks? ;) Just after Emme turned 3 (see previous post haha), my little "goofbot" is 9 months. Sigh! Gush!! Tears! No really, that whole time in a bottle concept, I would buy it. Ok, done talking about it now, haha.
At 9 months old, JB has had quite a busy month. A few highlights:
- Crawling. all. over. the. place. Fast! Have to keep doors closed if I don't want him to find certain things. Need to mop and sweep a lot more and watch for small pieces in Emme's toys. Fun stuff :)
- Pulling up. Thinkin' about cruising too...
- One word: BUSY! He loves to be in the middle of whatever action is going on. He hears the word, "No." quite a bit right now because we are in the process of teaching boundaries and all of that good stuff.
- Eating 3 meals a day of baby food and smallish table foods like diced fruits and veggies and puffs. Still nursing 3 times a day and getting one bottle feeding.
- He just started waving and really distinctly saying 'mama' and 'dada' to get our attention.
- Growing like a weed. Like a good mom I waited a long time to schedule an appointment, so we won't know till he's almost 10 months the actual figure... but I'm guessing he's gained a few lb's and inches since 6 months hehe. ;)

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