Monday, April 7, 2008

Prom Night 2008

So I went to Prom this weekend.

Ok, I went as a chaperone....with my Centennial's Prom at Southfork Ranch.

As part of Ben's admin. internship he has to do 125 hours of observation. We headed to the Prom and were given the following duties: picture police, and dance floor patrol. The school did a good job of setting up ground rules for the evening. There was a dress code that had to be followed: no really low back dresses, no plunging necklines, etc. Let me tell you there were quite a few unhappy ladies that had to stuff pieces of fabric into their fancy dresses!

Probably the highlight of the night was "helping" couples separate themselves from makeout sessions and back to front dancing (not sure why the grinding is so popular these days?) It was quite funny to think back on those high school days.

I couldn't help but wish I could go up to these young people and tell them not to waste their time, energy, and emotion on empty infatuations, that only end up in broken hearts. Unfortunately- so many of those relationships have such drastic consequences! So many life changing decisions can be made in those moments... I'm so thankful that God protected both my husband and myself from heading too deeply down the path of teenage angst. Watching the kids made me think about starting to pray for my own kids to trust in the Lord of perfect love, and for their protection from Satan in a scary world.


Unknown said...

We love you both! God is good in all He does all the time.